(Late) Zen of Python

I know this post is a little late, but, better late than never…

I was doing other Mastery topics, then I realized “I haven’t made one of the first things that are on the list”. So this is it, I’ll explain the 3 that caught my attention and explain why I think that is important.


Explicit is better than implicit:

I think this is a very important rule, because we know there’s people who can understand everything that is to understand, but there are people than can’t as well. So if you want to get something out there, it’s better for you to be sure every person can understan what your talking about, by being explicit. And not just expect people to read in between the lines.


Now is better than never:

Well, personally this is the one I liked the most. It’s better to get things done when you can, and procastinating is worse, because eventually things will add up and it’s very likely that you wont be able to handle it all, when it has been accumulating throughout time.


Readability counts:

Because not everyone is going to understand what you want to say just because, you need to make your something is well done so people can understand what you are talking about, so very important for people to understand what they’re reading.


Thank you for reading this late post.


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